We live immersed in this world in which we navigate and have our being, we are surrounded and penetrated by infinite being, by absolute consciousness; we live based on the questions: who? what? how? when? where? and why? we have perceived them as such, because, despite the fact that we think we have woken up, we are still asleep, and what is worse, disconnected from our own awareness of our own being, of our own essence.

Having said this, and going into the matter, it is my intention to reach all people interested in alternative holistic healing techniques, such as regressive hypnotherapy in this case, it is the most direct and practical way of accessing the true essence of our being and helps us to be individually aware of ourselves and for self-healing.

To achieve this goal, I have to make a brief introduction of how? this therapy can help us (which I personally call the tool for awakening); This tool is Regressive Hypnotherapy (RH) with which I have been able to achieve excellent results.

Unfortunately, and despite the fact that this technique is as old as man, Regressive Hypnotherapy (RH) has not received the attention it deserves in both medical-scientific and spiritual-holistic practice.

It seems that the intervention of rationality up to now has established a dividing gap between these two, which has made the path a little narrower for us, this narrowness is what produces astonishment and fear, since it means (hypothetically and objectively speaking) facing the barrier between the known and the unknown, and it is in this respect that I would say “known” but only in word, since in general terms Regressive Hypnotherapy (RH) is sporadically familiar to us only through the media, books , newspapers, videos etc.

Much to my regret I have to say that these highly misinformative media are displaying this therapy as entertainment, or just as a technique that is used to take over the minds of others and put it at the “service of”, which is out of all reality; Quite contrary to what these sensationalist and misinformative media and people show or expose, Regressive Hypnotherapy (RH) is a way to amplify each individual’s experiences through the subconscious mind, and also to connect with our inner/higher selves and so consequently find the meaning and the answer to all those questions that have been previously exposed.

Probably some of you will wonder how or what is the process, what is Hypnotherapy? And how regressive? To continue with this explanation, I allow myself to make this definition in the simplest and least technical way: Regressive = go back

Hypnotherapy – hypno, from Greek hypnos =”sleep”, from PIE *supno-, suffixed form of the root *swep- “=sleep”.

Therapy – from Modern Latin therapia, from Greek therapeia “cure, healing, service done to the sick; service”, from therapeuein “to cure, to treat”, literally “to assist, to render service to, to care for”.

So, according to the etymology of these words and taking my own guesses in the simplest way, I came to my own definition, it can be said that regressive hypnotherapy is:”assistance or help through introspection and induced retrospective sleep. Please Keep in mind here that the dream induced in Regressive Hypnotherapy (RH) is completely different from the dream induced by drugs or hallucinogenic elements such as some plants, or the inductions made by shamans with ayahuasca or similar things. This dream induced in Regressive Hypnotherapy (RH) and what I am talking about is a state of deep relaxation, where the induced person is always conscious, never asleep or unconscious… in fact, we permanently enter a state of Hypnosis (Osis is a Suffix indicating condition, status, process, whether normal or diseased, or sometimes an increase, in this case it translates to sleep status or condition) when going to sleep either at night, or when taking a nap, the difference that prevails here It’s that “we don’t do it in a conscious state!

To make this induction possible, the therapist (also referred as an OPERATOR) through relaxation techniques encourages the induce to reach the deepest state of relaxation, then proceeds to establish the connection of the induce with their inner being (or subliminal part), from this point forward and having established the connection, the mind of the induced is given free rein to go to memories of the near or distant past; At this point, as I mentioned before, however, it should be emphasized that the person is induced to a deep state of relaxation and is never asleep or unconscious, quite the contrary, hypnotherapy creates a hyper-attentive and hypersensitive mental state, in which the mind subconscious is in perfect disposition to emit the information; What information? To answer this question, I will first say that prior to regressive hypnosis therapy, the points to be treated have been established, for example: depression, addictions, phobias, paralysis in dreams, suicidal thoughts, insomnia, low self-esteem, libido problems, weight problems, mental and emotional conflicts, anxiety, works of all kinds of magic, fears, pain, worry, and in general all kinds of conflicts and existential conditions, etc. The list is quite long.

I emphasize here that the factors that influence the ability to be induced to deep relaxation are availability, conscious cooperation and the degree of susceptibility or acceptance with which each individual reacts, achieving here the connection between the ability and the experiential experience. as part of these factors.

On the other hand, and from my point of view, RH (which I also call a kind of introspective subjective clairvoyance) is like a parallel consciousness in which we live awake, and where an everyday logic is not followed ; or perhaps the dream state in which we are truly creators of our internal world, an internal world where psychic time operates related to our senses that transport us to a space, to the space where we are unlimited, free beings, creators of our own and better conditions, but where we can also find the worst creations already created by ourselves and many times with external help, fortunately we can transmute, fix and/or modify all this, !all this is possible!, with the help of this powerful weapon and tool at the same time, RH helps us in the awakening of consciousness.

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